Cheap Auto Insurance in Arkansas
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Learn about best auto insurance in Arkansas. Get auto insurance quotes from auto insurance providers in your state and compare auto insurance rates to get the coverage that works for your unique situation. Auto insurance companies offer various coverage types and comparing car insurance packages provided by several providers can help you to select the coverage that offers the protection you need. On today's market most auto insurance companies offer several types of coverage along with specialty policies. At you can look through the list of car insurance companies in your area and make the right decision after comparing coverages and rates.
Auto insurance in Arkansas
According to current laws, it is illegal to drive without a valid insurance policy. In addition, having such a policy can help you stay safe and protect yourself in case of accidents. Regardless of the reason for which you are using a vehicle, insurance is a must. Should you insist on driving without insurance, you can expect legal consequences, such as fines (up to $1,000) or the suspension of your driving documents (license or vehicle registration, up to six months). In the paragraphs below, you can discover a wealth of useful information on the topic of auto insurance in the state of Arkansas.
What type of car insurance do you legally need in Arkansas?
To register a vehicle in Arkansas, you must go to the Office of Motor Vehicles and present proof of insurance. Should you be caught driving without insurance, you may have to pay a fine or have your documents suspended, as mentioned above. To reinstate the vehicle registration, for instance, it is required to acquire a valid insurance policy and offer proof to the respective department. A reinstatement fee must be paid as well.
All state residents who want to operate a vehicle in Arkansas must have a car insurance policy that meets the minimum requirements. These include: bodily injury liability coverage ($25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident), property damage liability coverage ($25,000 per person), uninsured motorist bodily injury coverage ($25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident), uninsured motorist property damage coverage ($25,000 and $200 deductible), medical benefits ($5,000), lost earning ($140 per week), accidental death benefits ($5,000 per person). Full coverage insurance is better than the minimum liability coverage, including options such as comprehensive and collision. You should always choose the highest possible coverage limit to be protected in case of the worst-case scenario.
Should you be at fault for an accident, you can expect the insurance provider to be able to pay the above-mentioned sums. Remember, the law requires that you carry a copy of your insurance policy while driving. Drivers who repeat the infraction of driving without insurance might have to do jail time.
Average cost of auto insurance in Arkansas
How much does car insurance cost in AR? The state minimum auto insurance policy in Arkansas has a value of $577. Nonetheless, a full coverage insurance policy has an average value of $1,768 per year. It can happen that collision and comprehensive coverages are not included, so you will have to pay additionally for them. The overall insurance rates are influenced by several factors, including: gender, marital status, age, location, driving record, presence of prior insurance, vehicle, number of miles driven. Try to choose an insurance policy that offers the best possible coverage, not the one that is the most affordable.
Naturally, the average cost of car insurance varies from one state to the other. You can expect such variations for both the minimum and full version coverage, especially if it includes the comprehensive and collision options. Several factors influence these values, including: road conditions, number of drivers versus the general population, number of uninsured drivers in the respective location, weather-related accidents, at-fault accidents, etc.
Arkansas has a similar rate for the average car insurance to the national median, which is around $1,770. The states with the most expensive auto insurance policies include: Colorado, California, Louisiana, Florida, Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New York. As for the most affordable states, these are: Nebraska, Maine, North Dakota, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. Maine has the most affordable rates, with $876 for the full coverage and $227 for the minimum coverage. New York is the most expensive, with $2,996 for the full coverage and $1,339 for the minimum one.
Within the state of Arkansas, there are also differences to be noted. Jonesboro and Little Rock have the most expensive annual premiums, followed by Fort Smith, Fayetteville, and Springdale. The average costs are as follows: Springdale - $1,939; Fayetteville - $1,958; Fort Smith - $1,969; Jonesboro - $2,080; Little Rock - $2,325.
When it comes to the value of the auto insurance, the age of the driver matters a lot. Young drivers always pay more for such policies, as they are seen as less responsible by insurance companies. A teenage driver can expect an annual premium that goes over $7,000, while a middle-aged individual is prepared to pay around $2,000. Slight differences exist between genders, with men enjoying better rates. The same goes for married couples, who benefit from better rates than those who are divorced, single, or widowed.
The credit history of the driver is another important factor considered, playing a definite influence on the value of a potential coverage policy. A driver who has exceptional credit can save important sums on his/her insurance premium, in contrast to someone who has a poor credit history. A history of driving offenses will increase the insurance rates as well, including at-fault accidents, speeding, reckless driving, DUI/DWI. It is common knowledge that the type of coverage influences the overall insurance rates. A good tip for you to remember: add both comprehensive and collision to the state minimum policy, as this will ensure superior coverage at a fair price.
- Abbott
- Adona
- Agnos
- Alabam
- Alco
- Alexander
- Alicia
- Alix
- Alleene
- Allport
- Alma
- Almond
- Almyra
- Alpena
- Alpine
- Altheimer
- Altus
- Amagon
- Amity
- Amy
- Anthonyville
- Antoine
- Aplin
- Appleton
- Arden
- Arkadelphia
- Arkana
- Arkansas City
- Arkansas County
- Arkinda
- Armorel
- Ash Flat
- Ashdown
- Ashley County
- Atkins
- Atlanta
- Aubrey
- Augusta
- Austin
- Auvergne
- Avilla
- Avoca
- Bald Knob
- Banks
- Banner
- Barling
- Barton
- Bassett
- Bates
- Batesville
- Bauxite
- Baxter County
- Bay
- Bayou Meto
- Bearden
- Beaver
- Bee Branch
- Beebe
- Beedeville
- Beirne
- Belfast
- Bella Vista
- Bellefonte
- Belleville
- Ben Hur
- Ben Lomond
- Benton
- Benton County
- Bentonville
- Bergman
- Berryville
- Bethel Heights
- Bethesda
- Bexar
- Big Flat
- Big Fork
- Bigelow
- Biggers
- Bingen
- Birdsong
- Birta
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- Bismarck
- Black Fork
- Black Oak
- Black Rock
- Black Springs
- Blackton
- Blackwell
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- Blue Ball
- Blue Eye
- Blue Mountain
- Bluff City
- Bluffton
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- Board Camp
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- Bonanza
- Bono
- Boone County
- Booneville
- Boswell
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- Bradford
- Bradley
- Bradley County
- Branch
- Brasfield
- Brentwood
- Briarcliff
- Brickeys
- Briggsville
- Brighton
- Brinkley
- Brookland
- Bryant
- Buckner
- Buena Vista
- Bull Shoals
- Bunn
- Burdette
- Busch
- Butlerville
- Butterfield
- Cabot
- Caddo Gap
- Caddo Valley
- Caldwell
- Cale
- Calhoun County
- Calico Rock
- Calion
- Camden
- Cammack Village
- Camp
- Campbell Station
- Canfield
- Caraway
- Carlisle
- Carroll County
- Carthage
- Casa
- Cash
- Cass
- Casscoe
- Cato
- Caulksville
- Cauthron
- Cave City
- Cave Springs
- Cecil
- Cedar Creek
- Cedarville
- Center
- Center Hill
- Center Ridge
- Centerton
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- Central City
- Charleston
- Chatfield
- Cherokee City
- Cherokee Village
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- Chester
- Chickalah
- Chicot
- Chicot County
- Chidester
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- Clow
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- Conway County
- Cord
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- Cornerville
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- Cotter
- Cotton Plant
- Cove
- Coy
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- Crawfordsville
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- Crocketts Bluff
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- Crossett
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- Cypert
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- Dalton
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- Dardanelle
- Datto
- De Ann
- De Queen
- De Valls Bluff
- De Witt
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- Deer
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- Delight
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- Dennard
- Denning
- Dermott
- Des Arc
- Desha
- Desha County
- Detonti
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- Diaz
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- Doddridge
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- Dover
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- Dryden
- Dumas
- Durham
- Dutch Mills
- Dyer
- Dyess
- Eagle Mills
- Earle
- East Camden
- East End
- Edmondson
- Egypt
- El Dorado
- El Paso
- Elaine
- Elkins
- Elliott
- Elm Springs
- Emerson
- Emmet
- England
- Enola
- Etowah
- Eudora
- Eureka Springs
- Evansville
- Evening Shade
- Everton
- Fair Oaks
- Fairfield Bay
- Fairview
- Faith
- Falcon
- Fargo
- Farmington
- Faulkner County
- Fayetteville
- Felsenthal
- Felton
- Ferndale
- Fiftysix
- Fisher
- Fitzhugh
- Flag
- Flippin
- Floral
- Florence
- Floyd
- Fordyce
- Foreman
- Formosa
- Forrest City
- Fort Smith
- Fouke
- Fountain Hill
- Fountain Lake
- Fourche
- Fox
- Franklin
- Franklin County
- Friendship
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- Fulton County
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- Garner
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- Greenwood
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- Hackett
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- Hector
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- Helena-West Helena
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- Hillemann
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- Holiday Island
- Holland
- Hollis
- Holly Grove
- Holly Springs
- Hon
- Hope
- Hopper
- Horatio
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- Hot Spring County
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- Hot Springs Village
- Houston
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- Joiner
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- Judsonia
- Junction City
- Kedron
- Keiser
- Kelso
- Kensett
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- Keo
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- Kirby
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- La Grange
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- Lafe
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- Lake Hamilton
- Lake Village
- Lakeview
- Lamar
- Lambrook
- Landis
- Landmark
- Laneburg
- Langley
- Larue
- Lavaca
- Lawrence County
- Lawson
- Leachville
- Lead Hill
- Lee County
- Lee Creek
- Leola
- Lepanto
- Leslie
- Letona
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- Lexa
- Limestone
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- Lincoln County
- Little Flock
- Little River County
- Little Rock
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- Lono
- Lonoke
- Lonoke County
- Lonsdale
- Lost Bridge Village
- Louann
- Lowell
- Lowry
- Lurton
- Luxora
- Lynn
- Mabelvale
- Madison
- Madison County
- Magazine
- Magness
- Magnet Cove
- Magnolia
- Malvern
- Mammoth Spring
- Mandeville
- Manila
- Manning
- Mansfield
- Marble
- Marche
- Marianna
- Marie
- Marion
- Marion County
- Marked Tree
- Marmaduke
- Marshall
- Martinville
- Marvell
- Maumelle
- Mayflower
- Maynard
- Maysville
- McAlmont
- McCaskill
- McCrory
- McDougal
- McGehee
- McNab
- McNeil
- McRae
- Melbourne
- Mena
- Menifee
- Meyers
- Midland
- Midway
- Miller County
- Mineral Springs
- Minturn
- Mississippi County
- Mist
- Mitchellville
- Moark
- Monette
- Monroe
- Monroe County
- Montgomery County
- Monticello
- Montrose
- Moorefield
- Moreland
- Morganton
- Moro
- Moro Bay
- Morrilton
- Morrison Bluff
- Morriston
- Moscow
- Mount Holly
- Mount Ida
- Mount Judea
- Mount Olive
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Vernon
- Mountain Home
- Mountain Pine
- Mountain Valley
- Mountain View
- Mountainburg
- Mulberry
- Murfreesboro
- Murray
- Myron
- Nashville
- Nathan
- Natural Dam
- Natural Steps
- Nevada County
- New Blaine
- New Edinburg
- New London
- Newark
- Newburg
- Newell
- Newhope
- Newport
- Newton County
- Nimmons
- Norfork
- Norman
- Norphlet
- North Crossett
- North Little Rock
- O'Kean
- Oak Grove Heights
- Oakgrove
- Oakhaven
- Oakland
- Oark
- Oden
- Ogden
- Ogemaw
- Oil Trough
- Okolona
- Ola
- Old Lexington
- Olvey
- Olyphant
- Oma
- Omaha
- Oneida
- Oppelo
- Osage
- Osceola
- Otwell
- Ouachita
- Ouachita County
- Owensville
- Oxford
- Ozan
- Ozark
- Ozone
- Palestine
- Palmyra
- Pangburn
- Paragould
- Paraloma
- Paris
- Parkdale
- Parkers
- Parkin
- Parks
- Paron
- Parthenon
- Patmos
- Patterson
- Pea Ridge
- Peach Orchard
- Pearcy
- Pearson
- Peel
- Perla
- Perry
- Perry County
- Perrytown
- Perryville
- Pettigrew
- Phillips County
- Pickens
- Piggott
- Pike City
- Pike County
- Pindall
- Pine Bluff
- Pineville
- Piney
- Pinnacle
- Plainview
- Pleasant Plains
- Plumerville
- Pocahontas
- Poinsett County
- Point Cedar
- Polk County
- Pollard
- Ponca
- Pope County
- Poplar Grove
- Portia
- Portland
- Postelle
- Potter
- Pottsville
- Powhatan
- Poyen
- Prairie County
- Prairie Creek
- Prairie Grove
- Prairie View
- Prattsville
- Prescott
- Prim
- Princeton
- Provo
- Pulaski County
- Pyatt
- Quitman
- Ramsey
- Randolph County
- Ratcliff
- Ravenden
- Ravenden Springs
- Reader
- Readland
- Rector
- Red Star
- Redfield
- Reed
- Rena
- Reyno
- Rhea
- Richmond
- Rison
- Riverside
- Rivervale
- Rock Springs
- Rockport
- Rockwell
- Roe
- Rogers
- Rohwer
- Roland
- Rondo
- Rosboro
- Rose Bud
- Rosston
- Round Pond
- Rover
- Rudy
- Rule
- Russell
- Russellville
- Rye
- Sage
- Saint Charles
- Saint Francis
- Saint James
- Saint Joe
- Saint Paul
- Salado
- Salem
- Salesville
- Saline County
- Salus
- Saratoga
- Schaal
- Scotland
- Scott
- Scott County
- Scottsville
- Scranton
- Searcy
- Searcy County
- Sebastian County
- Sedgwick
- Selma
- Sevier County
- Shannon Hills
- Sharp County
- Sheppard
- Sheridan
- Sherrill
- Sherwood
- Shirley
- Sidney
- Sidon
- Siloam Springs
- Sims
- Smackover
- Smale
- Smithville
- Snowball
- Social Hill
- South Lead Hill
- Southside
- Sparkman
- Spring Hill
- Spring Valley
- Springdale
- Springfield
- Springtown
- St. Francis County
- Stamps
- Star City
- Staves
- Stephens
- Steprock
- Stone County
- Stonewall
- Story
- Strawberry
- Strong
- Sturkie
- Stuttgart
- Subiaco
- Success
- Sulphur Rock
- Sulphur Springs
- Summers
- Summit
- Sunset
- Swain
- Sweet Home
- Swifton
- Sylvan Hills
- Tamo
- Tarry
- Taylor
- Texarkana
- Thornton
- Tichnor
- Tillar
- Tilton
- Timbo
- Tinsman
- Tokio
- Tollette
- Tontitown
- Traskwood
- Trumann
- Tucker
- Tuckerman
- Tull
- Tumbling Shoals
- Tupelo
- Turrell
- Twin Groves
- Tyro
- Tyronza
- Ulm
- Umpire
- Union County
- Uniontown
- Urbana
- Urbanette
- Valley Springs
- Van
- Van Buren
- Van Buren County
- Vandervoort
- Vanndale
- Vick
- Victoria
- Vilonia
- Vimy Ridge
- Viola
- Violet Hill
- Wabash
- Wabbaseka
- Waldenburg
- Waldo
- Waldron
- Walnut Ridge
- War Eagle
- Ward
- Warm Springs
- Warren
- Washburn
- Washington
- Washington County
- Waterloo
- Watson
- Waveland
- Webb City
- Weiner
- Weldon
- Weona
- Wesley
- Wesson
- West Crossett
- West Fork
- West Helena
- West Memphis
- West Point
- Western Grove
- Wheatley
- Whelen Springs
- White
- White County
- White Hall
- Whitehall
- Wickes
- Wideman
- Widener
- Wiederkehr Village
- Wild Cherry
- Williford
- Willisville
- Willow
- Wilmar
- Wilmot
- Wilson
- Wilton
- Winchester
- Winslow
- Winthrop
- Witter
- Witts Springs
- Wolf Bayou
- Woodberry
- Woodruff County
- Woodson
- Wooster
- Wrightsville
- Wynne
- Y City
- Yale
- Yancopin
- Yarborough Landing
- Yell County
- Yellville
- Zinc
- Zion
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Finding the right auto insurance in Arkansas
Finding the right auto insurance can take a lot of time and energy. If you are having a hard time discovering a policy that meets both your needs and budget, maybe you should consider requesting our help. We have both the knowledge and practical experience to match drivers with the best car insurance policies, with careful consideration to their requirements. Just give us a call and we will offer all the needed information, as well as the necessary support throughout the decision-making process.
Please remember that the assistance offered is 100% free and it can help you find an insurance policy with superior coverage. We are happy to discuss your car insurance needs and explore the different policies available in Arkansas. Moreover, we can take the time to explain the minimum requirements for the state auto insurance.
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